Professional Weed Removal Options


Weed Harvesting Service Price Sheet as of March 21st, 2023





Ingress/Egress Clearing

Harvesting a path to and from a dock 15’ wide. Price is per 100’ of distance.

$300 for first 100’

$100 per additional 100’


Recreational Area Clearing

2500 square feet of recreational space cleared by shoreline. Greater than 2500’ will require additional

permitting and cost.




Misc. Harvesting Service

Billing by the hour for clearing services that may or may not need to be permitted.


Subject to individual bid

General Info:

  • A staff member from Carlson Dock is required to stop out at every site to assess the work to be done and the type of weeds that will be removed. Please notify Carlson Dock @ 218-943-3706 to have your lake shore assessed.

  • We are permitted to clear any lake home for a 15’ wide ingress/egress of submergent vegetation.

  • We are permitted to clear any lake home for 2500 sq ft recreational area clearing of submergent vegetation. Emergent vegetation requires additional permitting on the homeowner’s behalf. Recreational areas larger than 2500 sq ft requires additional permitting on the homeowner’s behalf.

  • If a permit has already been issued for a weed control device or herbicides (Crary WeedRoller, etc.) – we cannot clear any recreational square footage without further permitting on the homeowner’s behalf.

  • In most situations two different cuts would be available. The first round of cuts will be anticipated to start in the middle of June. The second cut will be expected to start the end of July. Cuts are most effective 4-6 weeks apart.

  • The weed harvester will cut at angle all the way to shore but operates best in 2.5 feet to 7 feet of water.

* Please see our DNR Permit “One Sheet” for further rule and regulations.